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3 Noteworthy Websites for Every Screenwriter’s Toolkit

Writing is hard whether you are a novice screenwriter or a pro! The film and television industry wants concise, visual, and inclusive language leaping off page one. Certain resources and tools can make it easier - like screenwriting software - but what else can you put in your arsenal, bag of tricks or toolkit (-belt, -box, -etc)??? Here are three truly noteworthy websites for screenwriters (or any writer!):

To be Concise

Use this word engine - Reverse Dictionary - to search for words by their definition.  It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter. It’s super helpful when you can’t think of the word you want to use!


For Descriptions

Use this sibling word engine - Describing Words - to find adjectives for things you’re trying to describe. It can be used for brainstorming and/or writing. An additional feature is that you can sort by uniqueness or usage frequency.


For Inclusivity

DON’T write two-dimensional characters. DO write three-dimensional inclusive characters. The folks at Think Tank for Inclusion & Equity (ttie) are empowering screenwriters and other content creators with the tools to tell more inclusive, authentic, and nuanced stories.


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